
crash land vt.,vi.(使)強行著陸。

crash pad

At first , you feel like you ve crash landed on another planet without your helmet , but soon you ll find that you can still breathe and that , though your tongue may feel dry for a while , your alien mind is fully capable of learning to ingest and exhale the language of this strange new world 讓從來沒有接觸漢語的外國人在如期短的時間里,能掌握一些基本生活用語,平和的漢語教師接受了挑戰。從在第一堂課上,一個字也不會說的夫婦倆,兩周過后,能說一些簡單的句子并成功地買到了去桂林的車票。

But if you still refuse to bury your broken heart , or force someone to “ fix “ it - - if you just experience the crash landing in all its gory glory , you ' ll create a miracle 但,如果你還拒不將一顆破碎的心埋起來,或拒不去迫使某人”修補“它- -如果你”轟轟烈烈地“體驗了這次碰撞著陸,一個奇跡就會產生。

At 2 . 20pm today ( june 11 ) , a top jet aviation robinson r44 helicopter ( registration bhjs ) , crash landed at high island ( leung shuen wan ) at pak a 一架隸屬topjetaviation有限公司的robinsonr44私人直升機(注冊編號bhjs ) ,于今日(六月十一日)下午二時二十分,于糧船灣海北丫墜毀。

In 1992 , the aircraft in which he was flying over north africa broke in two during a crash landing . the crew was killed but he managed to remain alive 1992年他乘坐的飛機在途經北非時墜毀,當時機身破裂,機組人員全體遇難,而阿拉法特卻得以生還。

The garuda airlines jet was carrying 140 people when it overshot the runway wednesday at the yogyakarta airport and crash landed in a rice field 這架印尼鷹航的737 - 400型客機上當時有140人。客機在日惹機場降落時飛過了跑道,在一塊稻田里迫降。

Two men were flying their plane through the south pacific and they ran into some problems . they had to crash land on an island 兩名男子撞機了,他們在一架私人飛機上,在南太平洋上的荒島失事,不知道怎么辦。

Memory foam may have been created by nasa for the astronauts . . . but it just made a crash landing in your bedroom 記憶泡棉或許是nasa為了太空人設計出來的…不過,它現在更是為了你而設計的

Rick ranger crash lands his helicopter over the amazon while searching for the lost goolu tribe 瑞克騎兵把直升機降落在亞馬遜流域中去尋找迷失的骷髏部落。

Prepare for crash landing 做好撞地準備

The news reporter said that an airplane has just crash landed 新聞播音員說一架飛機在著陸過程中墜毀了。

It crashed landed in remote and inaccessible mountains 它在偏僻和人跡罕至的山里沖撞墜毀了。